Jagatpreet Singh Nir

Ph.D. student (Robotics), Northeastern University

B.Tech. in Industrial Engineering, IIT Delhi

SLAM and sensor fusion expert

I'm a Ph.D. scholar in Computer Engineering (Robotics) at Northeastern University, specializing in Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) with over 8 years of experience in both industry and academia. My core expertise lies in developing and optimizing advanced SLAM algorithms, requiring proficiency in C++ and Python. I cover the spectrum of systems design, sensing, perception, planning, and controls with a strong analytical foundation.

My current Ph.D. research centers on enhancing the resilience of visual-inertial systems in the face of visually degraded real-world scenarios. This work entails two main objectives: refining inertial sensor characterization and advancing dead-reckoning algorithms. Additionally, I explore innovative deep learning techniques to boost visual navigation performance. Field experiments, including drone and underwater robot scenarios, are integral to validating these advancements, aiming to improve the reliability and applicability of visual-inertial navigation systems in demanding field robotic missions.

Beyond work, I indulge in tennis, swimming, and culinary explorations, always seeking new avenues of interest.

- Jagatpreet Singh Nir

Google Scholar

1. High Fidelity Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) Modeling for Underwater Visual Inertial Navigation